Monday 23 October 2017

How to Lose Belly Fat Fast

How to Lose Belly Fat Fast

An instantaneous recipe of melting instant belly fat.


Cassia fistula pod 50 grams

Turmeric 50 grams

Big Haritaki 50 grams

Salvia officinalis 50 grams

Black Salt 50 grams

The Method of Preparation:

1. Blend all the ingredients.

2. Lightly cook in olive oil.

3. Fill this soluble in Cassia fistula pod and keep it in a safe place for a week.

4. Check out a week later, the oil that will come out, at night while sleeping put it on the navel and apply below the navel. If you want to tie with a cotton cloth.

5. Wash half of the hot water in the morning and drink hot water from above.

6. Within three days your stomach will start running short.

Note: Will you take care of Diet? So you'll be surely beneficial.


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