Thursday 26 October 2017

How We Remove Hand Wrinkles - 10 Best Home Remedies

How We Remove Hand Wrinkles - 10 Best Home Remedies

How We Remove Hand Wrinkles - 10 Best Home Remedies

How to remove wrinkles from hands is a big problem for a human being. Because one's age can be judged with the condition of his or her hands. Aging experts say that the aging effects on hands the first, and then on any other part of the body. Similar happened with a woman who was of 46 but her hands looked like ones who are 70 years old. She then took some steps and with the use of those tips. Her hand got younger, fresh and a very beautiful look.

Human being age can be estimated by his/her hands. Experts say that our aging effect is on the first hand. The same happened to the woman who was 70 years old, despite being 46 years old. But then he tries to protect them.

Let's tell you this prescription the use of your hands for how to remove wrinkles from hands will start looking like young ones. People who are skin look like old. They should try this method and for those who want to keep their hands beautiful. It will be very useful for them.

1. Eggs

Take a one tablespoon one egg white and mix the mixture in a bowl put on your own hand. Wash your hand when it dries. Because of this, the moisture of the hands will remain and will be beautiful soon.

2. Potatoes

Because of this, your hands will become soft and silky. Potatoes boil and grind after boiling. Now add a big spoon of olive oil, honey, and milk and mix well. Now keep this mixture in the refrigerator. And apply it three times a week, leave it for 15 minutes. In a few weeks, you will see a magical clear difference.

3. Lime and Sugar

Take out the juice of half lime and put it in two spoons sugars. And if you are in trouble, apply on your hands. Wash the hands with soap when it is dry.

4. Almonds Oil

Before going to bed in the night, put your hands in almond oil. And then keep it in cool water for five minutes. Now apply a grease cream and wear cotton gloves go to sleep. Your hands will be softened in the next morning. You will be shocked and amazed at the results.

5. Petroleum Jelly

Before going to sleep, put petroleum jelly on your hands and wear cotton gloves. Next morning, your hands will become soft and pretty.

How We Remove Hand Wrinkles - 10 Best Home Remedies

6. Baking Soda

In warm water after adding 1 tablespoon of baking soda and soak hands for 10-15 minutes. This will help your skin become soft and moisture. Baking soda will soften your skin and hands.

7. Extra-virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil or even coconut oil and slather it all over my hands. Apply olive oil and massage your hands 5 to 10 minutes before taking to a bath. Also, use before going to bed.

8. Banana

Banana rich in several vitamins A, B, and E is great for fighting wrinkles. Mash half a banana using a fork until you get a smooth paste. Apply this paste on your hands and till it dries completely.Wash with warm water then with cold water. Apply this twice a week for better results.

9. Pineapple

Pineapple contains high rich vitamin C which helps protect your skin wrinkle-free.Apply pineapple pulp on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse off with cold water. Regular use of this tip will help you get away from wrinkles.

10. Rice Method

Rice grinding 2 tablespoons, 2 tablespoons of rose water and 1 tablespoon milk. Mix them all and make a paste. Apply this mask on your hands and wait for completely dries.Wash with lukewarm water and repeat this application once a week. The results will amaze you.

11. Lemon Juice, Milk, and Sugar

Scrubbing is the key to keep hands wrinkle free. Adding one tablespoon of baking soda in warm water and put your hands in it for 10 to 15 minutes. This method will help in absorbing moisture and soften the skin. Squeeze a half lemon juice and add one spoonful of sugar. Massage this on your hands and finger in a circular motion and leave it 15 minutes for till drying.

Lemon will help in removing all the spots on your hands and fingers. Sugar act as a scrub to get rid of dead skin cells and dirt. Now again put your hands in milk for 10 minutes. Milk will protect your skin and diminish wrinkles completely.


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