Saturday 4 November 2017

Diabetes-Symptoms Causes Effects and Treatment

Diabetes-Symptoms Causes Effects and Treatment

Diabetes-Symptoms Causes Effects and Treatment

Diabetes is a disease that is continuous and has been seen in patients with a constant increase - this disease is not only in developed countries but also spreading rapidly in developed countries and its main reason for man's style. Life is a world day of diabetes being celebrated today, and in this respect, we will inform you about the causes, effects and prevention measures today.

Diabetes is a disease that has implicit effects on the whole body. When the blood sugar grows in human beings and it remains in effect, then it affects every person's impression.

"No control of kidneys causes complications, heart, and blood due to sugar control."

 The biggest loss of diabetes is the cause of the nervous system. The most basic disease in the system causes diabetes, is the risk of attacking fluid - this attack may occur on the diabetes episode anytime.

First of all, reviews that no parent has any diabetes complaint about your parents? If any of your parents have a sugar, then it is also a risk for you, but if both of them are 80 to 90 percent likely that you may have a disease.

You should keep checking your sugar regularly. It is not necessary that diabetes only occurs after 60 or 70 years. Rather than after 20 to 25 years of age, at least once a year check out the essential stomach and its results should be below 100.

If there is a sugar in your family, more testing is also done for the best results in which a test is of hemoglobin A-VC. This test shows the sugar level of the last three months. "

"The risk of death remains in case of the fluid, but it may also face permanent disability."

How to Control Sugar

1. If you suspect that you are a sugar, first use the nutrients to reduce the use of sweet things, sweets, sugar and cold drinks.

2. If you have left the use of sweet things, it does not mean you start eating more than the other foods. Do not eat more than just eat as much as possible for your body.

3. Keep your weight according to your height because it is very important - the youth keeps jumping on the ground, and it is consumed by thirsty and consumed, but after 25 years of age when its work starts and gets married. It changes its lifestyle. The activity of humans decreases at this age and increases its weight, then the risk of diabetes increases.

4. Every person in the age should be exercised as an important part of his life exercise is not a difficult task always keep the exercise that you can easily the most convenient exercise is a 30-minute walk. Keep a momentary step in it too.

5. If you have no control over both your diet and exercise, this means you now need diabetic medicines and these medicines should be taken.

Diabetes is an illness that is older than you, so you should stay in touch with your doctor so that they keep you jack and keep changing the necessary changes in medicines.

Diabetes cannot be caused by the effects of the nervous system, but also different forms of veins begin to become the disaster.

The ability to feel human is also affected, and in this case, the patient has to face pain. Sometimes there are wounds between the feet or toes and the patient's wound easily not cured.

Apart from this, if the sugar level decreases, such as going down below 60 or between 20 to 30, the human brain stops working. Sometimes a person goes to the world of unconsciousness which we can say. You can also visit chickens.

       "If you have a sugar, use the medicines with the order that sugar remains normal"

If the sugar becomes more or more than 200 or 300 or more than 600, then it also poses the negative effect on the brain and the person's mind becomes slow-man can become a fool.

According to Doctors, "Patients around the world are constantly increasing, especially in developed countries. Such foods are being used in those countries which cause obesity and a person is suffering from diabetes - for example, in chronic cancer. There are 300 calories and when you exercise for 30 minutes, then spend 300 calories, but one lasts back in just 5 minutes."


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