Thursday 2 November 2017

Boiled Egg Diet to Lose Weight

boiled egg diet to lose weight

Boiled Egg Diet to Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight five kg in just a week so the egg is a magic diet. The reason for which this purpose can be achieved. One of the specialties of this diet is that Eating it helps your body get the most nutritional and also the dream of reducing weight is also fulfilled. With eggs, you can also use meat and fish if you like. Let's tell you about the food plan for the eggs for a week.

Day 1:

1. In breakfast will have to use two boiled eggs, non-oily milk, and two oranges.

2. In Lunch, you have to eat six-ounce chicken and Greek yogurt.

3. Take an egg at dinner, eat an orange and four ounces boiled chicken.

Day 2:

1. Breakfast with two boiled eggs and drink a lemon juice.

2. Have roast fish and one fresh grapefruit in the lunch.

3. Take 3 boiled eggs only during the dinner.

Day 3:

1. Breakfast boiled with two eggs and squeeze lime juice in lukewarm water.

2. Eat grapefruit with a piece of beef in the lunch.

3. Eat only three boiled eggs in the night.

Day 4:

1. In breakfast, eat some vegetables, carrots with 2 boiled eggs and 1 tablespoon sour cream.

2. Eat tomatoes and carrots with eggs in the lunch.

3. Eat fish fried with salad in the dinner.

Day 5:

1. Eat one glass Greek yogurt with fresh lemon or orange in breakfast.

2. Have two grapefruits with two eggs in the lunch.

3. Have a glass of fresh water at dinner.

Day 6:

1. Eat 2 boiled eggs with the tomato and toast in the breakfast.

2. Have a 6-ounce beef with one grapefruit or orange in the lunch.

3. Take just one glass water in the dinner.

Special Note for Readers:

Remember that does not follow this method for months as this way. Your body wouldn't be able to get the required
energy and calories. Therefore, after losing weight successfully, get back to your daily routine diet.


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