Saturday 4 November 2017

How to Get Rid of Continuous Hiccups

How to get rid of Continuous Hiccups

How to Get Rid of Continuous Hiccups

Hiccups are the result of the occurrence of a sudden contraction of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a muscle that helps to breathe in. This spasm causes an intake of breath that is suddenly stopped by the closing of the throat. Normally a hiccup lasts only for a few minutes to a few hours, occasionally for a day or two. Only Chronic hiccups remain for an extended period of time as compare to the others.

Causes Of Hiccups

Hiccups are very common and caused due to the disorder of the central nervous system. They affect both genders equally but prolong hiccups occur much more frequently in men. In most cases, hiccups start without any particular reason, remains for a short time and then discontinued.


Overeating of food and eating too much food very quickly are the most causes of hiccups. Hiccups often happen after drinking too much alcohol or drinking carbonated beverages. Swallowing too much air can also cause hiccups.

Axcess Smoking

Excess smoking is also one of the main causes of hiccups. Eating spicy foods also cause hiccups.

Stomach Temperature

An unexpected change in stomach temperature like eating very hot or very cold food, beverages or drinks also leads to hiccups. Carbonated beverages drunk through a straw carry additional gas to the stomach and cause hiccups.

Taking Medicines

Taking a certain medication also cause hiccups. Brain stroke and brain tumors can cause severe hiccups. Emotional stress or excitement cause hiccups as well.

  How to Stop Continuous Hiccups

Most cases of hiccups need no treatment, as about of how to get rid of hiccups will usually disappear on their own. Increasing of carbon dioxide in the body may also help stop from how to get rid of hiccups. So, try breathing into a paper bag for the urgent relief of how to get rid of hiccups. Cup your hands over the nose and mouth and carry on breathing normally. The additional quantity of carbon dioxide will help to how to get rid of hiccups. Take a deep breath and hold it that builds the carbon dioxide in lungs and that should help from how to get rid of hiccups.

In addition, there is a surprising number how to get rid of hiccups remedies that have been studied. Stick the fingers in ears for a half minutes can also help in stopping hiccups.

•   Taking quick sips of water in a row also prevents how to get rid of hiccups. Quickly, drink one cup of water without breathing.

•   Plug the ears with fingers and drink the water with the help of a straw. Drink water directly from a glass without using hands and drink as much of as possible will help you how to get rid of hiccups.

•    To intake a spoonful of sugar will help in elimination from how to get rid of hiccups.

•   Eating a lemon wedge soaked in bitters works effectively to eliminate how to get rid of hiccups.

Lolly Pop

Sucking on the lollypop and sugar and vinegar also helps in getting from how to get rid of hiccups.


Gargling with ice water or sipping cold water.

Peanut Butter

•   Take a spoonful of peanut butter in the mouth and hold it for 5-10 seconds. Then, eat the peanut butter without chewing. Open your mouth and keep it open at least for a couple of minutes. Take a deep breath, hold it and plug the nose and close mouth its will help you from how to get rid of hiccups.

The continuous hiccup can cause complications and requires proper medication from how to get rid of hiccups. Prolonged hiccups can indicate a serious problem. Consult with the doctor if hiccup remains more than three hours, or hiccups disturb sleeping or eating habits. Permanent hiccups can cause problems like weight loss, exhaustion, depression, and problems with heart rhythm. Long periods of hiccups can cause the stroke.


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